Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Okay so, not such a good day.

Cant seem to get along with my *OhIamsoinlovewith* boyfriend.

I think we broke up tonight.
Or at least I think maybe we should..?
As soon as we get away from each other for more than a week all we do is fight.

so uhm.

I am stumped.

Trying not to let it get me down.
My mother always used to tell me to repeat this to myself (and I suggest it to all of you if you feel down):
"I love myself and I am love"

Yes, you are love.

If I can convince myself of that for more than 5 should you.

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Hey.. I think Edwin and I are in the same boat. We are fighting constantly and we're super tense. Fuck, it's stressful.

Here's my blog I might write in. I haven't used it since '07.