Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Slept All Day

Although today is a whole new day for sure.
I really want to spend more time with myself, and learning bout myself.

Today I deleted my facebook.
I was surprised how many people told me they understand.
So why is there so many of us on FB, if we all feel its pressure? Why do people put them selves in that situation??
The website is a big joke to me.

Anyways, I'm having a good day.

Last night was another story though..
I've really got to find a way to get over depression...
But I dont know how..
Every solution I come up with fails.
Maybe go back to meds..? I hate that thought.

I bought some books yesterday:
Conversations with Dali
Songs Before Sunrise

The first book I hope is self explanatory.
The second book is a poetry book, published in 1917. I love the style of it. On the hard cover there is engraved acorns. The poems are lovely. <3
I feel less alone when I read.

And Id rather take the time to read with myself than get distracted playing Farmville.

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